Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Doubling the Triple F


Monday, February 22, 2010
Last piece of the puzzle

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Creative Cue is MORNING. Not sure why this was a brain stall. I am now a morning person thanks to my farmer. I am working on exuberant morning person. The roosters start crowing any time after midnight, the crazy mixed up fowl! Comes right in our window. No wonder there is no exuberant. I luv nice cups with hot, black java. I look out on the best prairie sunrises that come up thru the tops of a very large poplar bush. I think I over thanked!
So I started a zentangle. Then I felt remorse and put in the sun. Then I really felt bad and you will find the roosters in the rays- beaks, combs, beady eyes, feathers and feet. What can I say!
I found the off setting for flash on my camera. oh happy day. If a computer makes the brain hurt then I have serious cramps with the camera. Now I need to find the grey scale part.
Puzzle is putting me into shapes I'm not yet fitted for. I shoulda set my rusted fabric and every time I touch it with the iron (steam), surprises spread over the surface. No, not all good at all!
I did start on the kitchen deco. It is up for renovations this year, I hope! (fingers, toes, eyes- all crossed!) It will be yellow with lots of white. I have some placemats started with 4 patch, nine patch as the impetuous. I have dug out some coordinated FQ's that have some cranberry with the yellow. I really like making placemats, probably cause they are VERY like doll quilts!

But my motto is "It's all good!". So I'm back to making all these good morning things spread around the playroom. If crowing is good for Peter Pan, it'll help this chick.
And cock a doodle doo to all of you, too!
Friday, February 19, 2010
The P word!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
What if I decided...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Before you run off...

A VERY new quilter expressed her feelings of inadequacy, and probably ours as well! But one lady made a comment that reminded me of my own focus. "But you have to fill your tool box."
So I dusted off my fanny, stood up and consulted my notes on the basics of design. You cannot do any job without the knowledge, the tools and then the experiences. As a group and as individuals we are new to the job. Some have experience in related fields: painters, sewers, embroiderers, etc. and a lot of us have read and drooled and accumulated the practical tools which are still in their original packaging. We need to put it all together and begin to begin. And we aren't going to look like any other group and while we may influence one another, we aren't going to be copies of one another.
So much as I wanted to yell to c'mon back next week and we'll really show you what we can do...
No; we'll continue with the basics. We'll fill our tool box with the basics of what will make what we envision achievable. And probably more importantly, we'll work on being comfortable enough to be ourselves as we take what we learn and make it our own.
So as I look down a week that is already running ahead of me I'll straighten my tool box, consult the work orders and build on what I already know and courageously confront, what if...
Monday, February 15, 2010
textured out!

Saturday, February 13, 2010
Texture in the home

This scrap quilt is another older lap quilt. I picked a scrap pallet from the plaid and large floral border. I was more into country and I wanted to practice feathers in the border. The rail fence was strips in light to dark progressions but the blocks were just randomly placed and straight line quilted on the diagonal.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Texture two

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
RE: Texture

Monday, February 8, 2010
Sew much fun!

Sunday, February 7, 2010
Some Sunday

Saturday, February 6, 2010
So far so good!

The floor is fir and the red in it and the camera flash has tinged the blocks way too much. It has also dawned on me I haven't made the backs. I was going to use those leftovers. So top of the list next week is backings and the MQing. But I am thinking I may need to focus on the texture workshop and the TOM. Tonight I have to post my Creative Cue. I upped things a notch by doing watered down acrylics instead of watercolour crayons. I am such a chicken! I could have used a mad scientist or two in my family tree. 8^)
Friday, February 5, 2010
I've got it!
Then I laid out a new setting for Wind and Water. But I omitted the top strips.
During an eye to eye contact conversation last night my eye strayed (oops) to the wip and I thought, "definitely needs more up top". Back to serious conversation. 8^)

But this morning as I swivel about and survey my domain I thought, ALL the strips!

hmm, maybe the black on top?
Cranberry blocks- 25 of them. Should I make more? ( fiddle) What is their purpose? (focus) Back to the original vision. okay, cease and desist. (finish) 15 for a runner 9 for a place mat 1 for the back of one

Thursday, February 4, 2010
focus, fiddle, FINISH

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

These blocks are exciting to me. I'm sure I'm going to need help to come up with something special for a setting. I started this with what if... I did something out of my comfort zone, so I can't wimp out on the setting.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Pieces of ...
I kinda think of it as Wind and Water. I want to add some 3-D leaves that should feel like leaves floating down and coming to rest on the water's surface. I'd also like to add some beads to the stepped bottom.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Summing up and starting off!