He is also looking for all the jars. There seems to be a shortage of pint jars.
Anybody who knows anything about science and particularly lab experiments knows you use glass in experiments. 8^) Glass is very stable and besides it is very much nicer aesthetically than plastic food containers. And I'm all about form over function. So I have lots of jars in my dye centre.
The TOM for July was dyeing or fabric painting. I decided to use up some of the old dyes that I had in the jars from a previous dye session. That was some time ago so I just used what was left. I did combine a little of the yellows and the reds. This was very much serendipity. I did the soda ash soak then added the dyes to the fabric as they sat in baggies. I did lots of scrunching as I was after an even colour. I intended to let them sit all day and over night but the bright yellow was making me nervous so before I went to bed I just drained off the yellow but left the cloth in the baggies. In the morning I began to rinse, and rinse and RINSE! It looked like most of the dye was rinsing away but some stayed. Phew! I had done a few pieces of plain cotton and some cotton velvet. The colours are fairly subtle and that is okay. I will remember not to let my dyes get too old.
Oh, and the jam turned out quite nice as well! Actually, it had more colour. Hmm, I shoulda asked for the recipe! lol
There will now be a momentary delay in the programming!
I am also NOT a fan of those solid chunks of fabric for a final border so I am resisting that theme fabric on the outside. I'd hoped for dark of night or at the least some some early morning inspiration. There doesn't seem to be any forthcoming so it looks like another play day today.
Two loads Thursday went beside the barn. Today I have one load over by the north bush. The ground is quite wet and the truck is spending the night there until we can assist it a bit. Ooops! But we knew there was a possibility that this would happen as the truck is quite heavy and has the worst back tires. I'll get one more load and then we'll fill in the ruts. I've been telling my dear list maker that 'done is better than perfect'! I am really quite pleased to see that we are actually making progress on his lists and he gets some kind of weird satisfaction from crossing things off the list.
I can also report that I am having some very excellent sleeps! 8^)
But I think I have a whole house plan figured. I better because I want to get on to other things and just pick up the appropriate paint and do the rooms in between my real fun hobbies.
I've learned that I can't have it all and still have a cohesive whole which is very important to me. So I think this is the best that I can come up with on my own. Now I've been told the cranberry living room won't work but the same gal gave me a colour for the sitting room that I don't think goes with the 2 chairs. ??? I found a similar but better. (The 2 professional recommends are very centre bottom.) So why not 'my' cranberry. I'll be experimenting with that when I get there. I am also not using the decorator white for trim. I'd already decided it was too cold for me when I read about it being very overly recommended and there were much better choices. Then I took the next (RADICAL) leap. I do not like high contrast so why am I doing such light baseboards and trim??? I'm going to do each room a lighter version of the room colour. Gnash, gnash!!! It is only paint, remember, it is only paint! LOL!
The hall rug upstairs ties together the rooms represented on the left of my story board. (That very dark purple is my reconciling that a purple front door can work.)
The front room (dining room) rug is the fixed feature for the downstairs. (See, I'm still reconciling that purple door!)
The trick will be the stairway which is 2 stories. I want warm yellow greens upstairs to transition in the stairwell to the cooler blue greens in the downstairs. I have another pamphlet with a great combo that includes the 2 greens. It is possible I'll be painting all the walls a slightly different colour but it works out to about 8-10 walls depending on how you count so I should be able to ease the colours along without too much jarring. It doesn't show up very much but the up stairs rug has the warmer greens and a dash of blue green while the down rug has a bit of blue green in the leaves as well as that navy. Heck, I may be stretching it but there is some olive in the stems as well.
So the big question is- Am I thinking that it can work because I SO badly want it to work or does it really work?