My goodness! I have paint cans all over to correspond to their future uses. I can paint the whole kitchen. I can pickle the cedar chest. I can finish the chicken coop. I seem to have bought a whole lot of white paint! I can ...
Veranda. Focus. Veranda is the focus.
I carted the pieces out to the barn and to my gifted paint room. I washed things up, found screw drivers so my dearie can tighten up all the screws, etc. that I overlooked. I was just going to do it in my own zealous (reckless) way. But the rooster has crowed. I'm needing finer sandpaper, a somewhat slower pace and some forethought. He's right.
I did find the old paint cans for the veranda so I can do some touch ups. I'm wondering why we didn't put baseboards down , at least on the outside walls. Hmm, I do like those prepainted boards.
Seeing it empty also increases my roosters anxiety level as he SO wants to get at the veranda which you see has serious needs. But this weekend is designated Zoo day. Dad wouldn't have set aside this project. But Grand Dad... Well, lets just say the zoo isn't the attraction!
He does need to get a few things for the permanent fix so this doesn't happen. But I also need to get a few things like porch floor paint. So I have my list and I'll try not to buy too much for the kitchen, hall, and all.....