It doesn't even look like a tease but the real deal. Winter is beginning!
I have last week's memories recorded. The grand kiddies spent a couple of nights to check out our new kitties and the roadway project.
So their journal page included heavy equipment. No surprises! Josh's is loaded with detail. Eliana's is sporting a colourful paint job. And Jolina is working on a driver who surely resembles the new kitty! lol
The art lesson showcased three ways to portray horses. Paintings which use various lines, colours and have backgrounds. Line drawings are flat with straight and curving lines but no background. Finally sculptures (or statues) which have dimension, curvy and straight lines but no background. This seemed a good time to play with polymer clay and make some charms. We didn't try to make horses though. ;^) I expect next week we will be bending end pins and stringing cord for fun accessories!
Papers were also flying as I sorted through my neutral papers to add a few more signatures for a journal I'd made but not really used. It has mostly neutral pages with texture and some have text. It seemed skimpy and the spine needed more to fill it out. I needed two more signatures to make up a journal to explore my 7 main archetypes. I am kinda excited about that. :)
I can't wait to fling a new way to make a journal to hold the papers my friend and I made mono printing last week.
I'll hope for less flakes tomorrow but more fun flinging creativity around. :)
There is a chill in the air and snow predicted for this weekend. It was frozen land last night. Winter is here no matter what the calendar says. Great art week and to be current with planners...Hooray.
The snow looks was 73 here today!!!
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