Saturday, June 20, 2009


Come join me as I explore colour, design, techniques, etc. for making our homes and gardens reflect who we really are. I'm not real sure who I am but my advanced age gives me great hindsight. I know what I'm not. I'm easily distracted from the finish line but I'm determined to become a focused finisher. I've begun by simplifying, sorting and shoveling my 'STUFF'. I've tried to keep what is relevant. Now I need to get it out where I can see it and "get 'er done". This could be a marathon, but there is no need to actually rush. I anticipate the journey being as rewarding as the destination.


Anonymous said...

Fabulous Blog.....thanks. Judi in Mississippi

Anonymous said...

Wow.. I can see someone here that I never knew. I love this site you have inspired me to move forward with all those creative ideas I have been putting on the back shelf (waiting for the right time). Your sense of humour comes through, your eye for design and color is great. I look forward to reading more and learning from you. This Book thing has me fascinated. How are the chairs coming that you bought at the auction this summer? would love to see some of your decorating ideas on line as you always had a great eye. Miss you. Deb D