The photo colour is abysmal but I feel it is pretty much on the mark in real light.
So I needed to pick the double complement harmony from the wheel but also from fabric that would yield at least a full FQ. Those I took outside to photograph. Darn wind!
Again the colour is a bit off especially for the blue-violet which is the opposite of the yellow- orange. The red-orange's opposite is blue-green.
Now I tend toward low contrast harmonies but my thinking is that the itty bitty slices should be seen and not just blend in as they pass one another. These would be seen! In fact I think I hear them shouting as they even get close! Whoa! This could be a good example of a bad example.
Two opposites really contrast but the four disperse the focus and each colour's importance. I'm quoting. I could tone then down with the same value and brightness but I'm not sure I have those options in the stash. I'm also wondering if the colours are meant for more individual fabrics in each colour group and this is not suitable for a convergence quilt.
I think I need to think about this. The grandson is visiting which was why I wasn't painting and pasting while he played at my feet. But I could fiddle with fabric. 8)
What if...
Color....there are so many ideas about color out there. I am learning more right now in my watercolor class. It is all very interesting. Good luck with your project!
These are complex color combinations. It was good that you made a color wheel. Color is one of the first things people need to learn and master. Keep us updated on this project.
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