Saturday, November 3, 2012

Not finished but done for the weekend

I was done when the grand kiddies arrived Thursday morning.  They were impressed with my altered book.

In an attempt to keep them distracted from my 'stuff' and from totally redecorating my house I whisked them off to MacDonald's Friday morning but they are redoing the playroom so I hit the dollar store for plastic guitars instead. Yes, against my better judgement but then they are cute.  The grand kiddies, not the guitars!

So it has been noisy and my diversionary tactics haven't worked. LOL

I do believe their own home, which is in the throws of renovation is to the place where they no longer need to be kept safe here.  Winter is also approaching and travel is less pleasant.  Monday I will be back to restore and move forward with my own home renovation.  ;^)

Happy weekend.  Oh, and my it be musical!


Leanne said...

You are so lucky to have all the fun you do with them, but I expect the quiet after is also welcome.

MarveLes Art Studios said...

Oh Elle, you are a dream of a sweet grandma! Ah... but peace and quiet will be all the sweet musical notes you will relax in! And the memories you're grandkiddies will have! Very, very... sweet legacy!

HollyM said...

Have a fun weekend and we'll see you back next week!

Createology said...

Obviously McDonald's did not confer with the home remodeling project or they wouldn't have been down for the Little's playtime. Music is so soothing and I can only imagine the melodic sounds that are pouring forth from plastic guitars. Bahahaha.
Have you ever mixed baking soda with a little water to make a paste and let your Littles play in it? I usually do a large plastic dishpan full. I call it "Oogla" and it is lots of fun to squish between fingers and let it ooze down the hands. It serves no purpose other than fun time and is very easy clean up. Used to do this with the kids at school and it never got old or boring to play with. It doesn't save so it just gets used to clean out the sink or tub when done. Hmmm...
Enjoy your playtime dear...

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Just think of all that time and musical support you will be missing as winter arrives and the wee ones must stay closer to home. At least the AB distracted them for a FeW minutes.