When life throws you a curve...
A curve can be a baseball pitch. It can be a line on a graph representing data. A curve is also the trace of a point whose direction of motion changes. Those are nouns. The verb is a curl, curve or kink!
Curves always happen on my life line. It does make life interesting.
But if you are heading towards a goal, any deviation will take you away from your goal. That is probably not good. But there are also curves that stay on target. They just dip down into a valley and then rise up over the top of the hill. They don't have to way lay me from my destination. They just take more time. I need to be relaxing on the straight ahead curves and get the benefit of the coasting or exercising that happens on those curves. The sideways shuffles need to get my attention real quick so I can focus and get back on that straight trajectory.
Last week's curve was the lack of internet access. I did not too bad on staying focused. Today the shearer arrived to do our sheep and I almost got off track until I realized that curves don't have to be sideways! Thank goodness I didn't get a kink!
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