When I met my new neighbour many years ago she invited me to come learn to quilt. Making more work for myself by cutting and resewing didn't seem like something I wanted to do. I sent my little girls. But we became fast friends in spite of our differences and when she moved again within the year I went to visit her and she took me to Quilt Canada. Whoa!!! Totally changed my work ethic!
She has been diagnosed with the big C and I knew she needed a quilt. This
zig zag star top has been in my Loose Feathers section waiting for this moment.
I got to know my new machine when I did the zig zags. I used the walking/evenfeed foot and the guide to mark my line. I am constrained by time and I want a soft quilt so the lines are far apart.
I did a free motion heart in each centre and then I did a curved outline around the centre and around the star. This was surprisingly easy to do. I'll do more.

I wanted a free form, unmarked shape for the
outer square. I was thinking something like an
ele in script but it morphed into a kinda bud or leaf shape. By the time I was done I had figured the best way to do it and I unpicked the first 2 blocks to improve them.

I got to luv Nina when we finally got into the free motion
MQing zone. I remembered why I luv machine sewing!

I like the effect of
variegated thread but I do not like the real light on the dark nor the real dark on the light fabric. I wish I could find a better
blendable brand of
variegated thread.
I will use that walking foot to put on the binding because this afternoon another neighbour and good friend is coming to help hand sew the binding. She sews but doesn't quilt.
I wish everyone had good friends, best buds.
I wish everyone had good health, robust.
I wish everyone had good hobbies, creating.
(I also wish I could take better photos.)