Please note the photographer's assistant wants credit for his help!
Please note the photographer's assistant wants credit for his help!
And just maybe I'll get a chance for a real live grown up tea party!
The reality is that I procrastinate. I don't always finish what I start, and definitely not immediately.
AHEM! Used to!
I'm growing up finally. I'm a big girl who can take responsibility for her own actions. An old gal, who can see the calendar pages are running low.
So much to do. So much stuff to do it with. No room for elaborate and colour coordinated command centres. The decluttering is making those fresh starts quicker and easier to gallop out of that starting gate with gusto.
Time to refocus. That happens, Thursdays, Hump Day.
Time to gather all those ducks and get them back into their row.
And headed to that finish line!
While I was visiting Live a Colorful Life this week, Cindy posted My week in color. I had an Aha! Moment. I do know the value of colour coding things. I luv coloured files and when I'm looking for something I'm seeing the coloured folder. I have a main colour for say, Yard - green. Then in that large file I have red for flowers, yellow for ideas, white for hardscape, green for shrubs/trees, blue for shade, etc. All my categories are colourized. But I never thought about the days of the week.
In my ongoing battle to simplify my life I am trying to eliminate lots of paper clutter. It is hard, I luv playing secretary and I have this compulsion to write notes, ideas, phone numbers, anything onto pads, papers, notebooks and so on. LOL But while it makes sense when I file it, it eludes me when I need it. Even with colouring. VBSigh. I've now learned that there are pilers and filers and I suspect I'm a piler. 8>) So I'm trying to eliminate all the pretty but messy file folders which in my creative dash after a good idea never quite get put back in the file drawer. I am now trying files on the computer. And when I shut the computer down for the night the files are filed whether I want them to or not! I am also realizing I am an 'all in or all out' kind of gal so Monday quilting, Tuesday mixed media, Wednesday... just doesn't work for me. When I make a mess, it needs to be for the whole darn week. But I need Focus. I need motivation. So I need to colour my days!
I need to get back to messing with the paint. The coop needs the lime green trim. I'll pick it up on my errands presently. The home deco paint projects need completing before I forget what the plan is. If I can identify what my colour days are and use that motivation to keep moving on the main focus I just may get something finished. Triple F- Focus, Fiddle, Finish
And I'm not even going to wait for the beginning of the week. Stand by for Hump Day!
I luv this picture of my grandson running thru their corn patch. I doubt we'd see him now as the corn is high and ready. num But it did jolt me to the realization that summer is on the downward slide. I do hope the weather has settled and we'll have a busy, productive fall.
I know it'll be pedal to the medal to get everything done before green, or yellow is no longer the predominant colour and a white blanket covers a ground that will be resting and recovering from another year of production.