This is our old master bedroom from about 6 years ago and I quite liked it.
But I needed a bigger room to sew and play in so we moved into this room which is on the other side of the chimney and a bit smaller. I gave the queen size bed, which my hubby said was too big, to my daughter and we got a regular double bed.

I wanted a similar wall of books but the bookcases could only be 9" deep because of the door. My son in law made them for me. I planned to put my plain sofa table between them. We are talking custom measurements for sure. The table fits, is not too bad for height if the pictures would have worked. I had 4 calendar pictures specifically matted and framed for the space between the 2 bookcases, 2 over 2. I luv to read in bed and glance up at this wall. But the foot board cut everything off and the pictures didn't fill the space. So, 3 in a row works better but the table was too spindly/leggy.

The blanket box gives weight but is too low.
How could I fix it? I've learned that I see what I want to see so I needed to find something that would give me the look before I actually committed more dollars. Hmmmmm???
I went around measuring everything including old stuff we have stored away. nada
But there was a short shelving unit in the coldroom. What if I borrowed it for a while...
I'm getting closer. I'm thinking something with doors. Next I'll need a little slipper chair. I moved the old chair downstairs and it rather likes it there! ;>)
There are all kinds of ways to be creative. I luv it!
Your wall is looking very beautiful. You really have a way of pulling things together and using what you have is wonderful. Happy creating...
It is so interesting to read what you are thinking as you arrange and rearrange. If I could ever get my house cleaned up I might try some of your ideas.
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