I got in a bit of fun on my town trip. I picked up my magazine in the mail box. Then I headed off to a fabric outlet. Home Ec day for a school who were out on a field trip! Things have changed since we all made the very same pattern that the teacher chose and then shopping for supplies on your own time. Kinda fun listening to them pick and choose. ;) But I was on the trail of the sewing jacket demo-ed at the last club meeting. I wanted subtle and the swirly trees just appealed. I'm sure I have bits in my stash to add. The batting is flannel. The lining I'm hoping to find in my fashion fabric stash. I also went on the hunt for some linen as I see it showing up in some quilts so the grey piece is my try for something new and innovative in a future quilt. Then I was off to the sewing machine dealer for some thread and a drool over the latest sewing machines. The new and incredibly creative feet Bernina are coming out with won't fit my old machines. I'm thinking, I'm thinking...
I drove by the book store, picked up the one book that had come in and ordered two more to add my list. My poor book shelves as I also got 5 books at the thrift store. Last evenings rain wasn't much so I'm still able to work outside.
Love the fabrics you chose. I have not seen linen used, very interesting. The sun came out here about an hour ago for the first time this week.
Yay for your new fabrics and some creative time.
I don't know where I've been for the past week or so, but I sure enjoyed the yard tour in your last post. You have a BIG area. I have a small yard and I have trouble keeping it mowed and kept looking nice. Yours, on the other hand, is lovely from any angle.
You had an awesome shopping trip, too. I've never heard of the dyeing book. That would be one I would really enjoy. That fabric is beautiful. You get much prettier fabric than any I've seen anywhere. The poinsettia and Christmas tree fabric is beautiful beyond words.
Sorry I've missed so much fun and such beauty in your world of late. Hope you had a great weekend. By now you probably have all that fabric cut and sewn into whatever goodies you are making.
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