I'm impressed that I actually really wanted to finish this veranda quilt. Usually I want to charge into my next bright idea. But more like I thought I could stop cancer with a delayed deadline.
What a devilish disease.

So I set aside my basted quilt sandwich and began my blue/green/flowers/horses triangles quilt. And no, I can't just sew random triangles. Never thought I was a control freak but rather than randomly sew triangles I am working two rows at a time to get a good placement. A good and generous 1/4 inch seam allowance and pressing even rows to the right and odd rows to the left is making for good positioning for those points. At first I thought 'yikes' but I am in the 'zone' and it is looking good!
Now if the grass will just slow a bit....
Oh how I love yellow.
Can you believe I have a quilting color theory book that advocates avoiding yellow in quilts!? HOW DARE THEY!!!! lol
pretty pretty
someday if I travel, I'm coming to sit in that porch to visit you and your chickens. : )
in Saskatoon
Those are 2 good projects to alternate between! Mowing grass is not a good project. :)
Just let some sheep graze on the grass and you keep sewing your triangles. This quilt is looking wonderful. As for the veranda...friends are far more important. Elle you are doing such a great thing for your friends...
I am amazed at how you put those little pieces of fabric together to create such a beautiful "whole".
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