The holiday season is very low key here so shopping only involved 2 toys for the grand kiddies but a lot of supplies for the various winter projects (and the sketchbook challenge) so I can stay home and do them. Now a first doll requires a first little pink quiltlet but then I learned that the grandson has actually been playing with Bob the Builder so that means another quiltlet, but it'll be green. I got the idea from Terri. The TOM at 3CS has us using scraps and I am trying that. Only the triangles were scraps but it is a start. I used flannelette as a backing and minimal quilting to keep it drapeable (sp???) for the dolls
The Altered Book 101 needs a chunk of time to make a niche and I need to find that chunk. Laundry had to be done so that compromised my basement work area. I'm good to go again and have made a few changes to lessen downtime. It is cold down there so drying time and comfortable work conditions have made adding a better heater necessary. Course all the snow we've been getting adds insulating drifts to the foundation but buries the walk which means I'm shovelling instead of sorting laundry!

I was going to do an inner border and then the checkerboard for the outer but I liked the graphic look of the strips. Now I was going to add those borders in a quilt as you go way so I need to rethink how to do this. So I kinda appliqued as you go! lol. The checkerboard was relegated to the back with another piece to 'make do. I did the quick turn finish so I can keep moving along.
So here it is. Think: 2, 4, 6, 8. Who do we appreciate? E LOL I used to be a cheerleader and I was desperate to explain the whole 8 thing.
I am learning to let less than stellar go as I move along the creative path. Improvements will come.
I have 2 small lap quilts and 2 baby quilts in the starting line up. One is already in rows. Two have their pieces cut and one will be out of the scrap box.
I am sew delighted to be making happy noises as the snow sifts down and covers the darn walk AGAIN!
Two great projects!
Love your little quiltlets!!
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