I'm still working on the Technique of the Month. Vicki is challenging us to use up scraps. This is a little harder because it seems so much easier to grab a big chunk from the stash. This time I grabbed a
FQ, cut it into squares, and then used some
overdyed fabric that was left over from a home
ec class I gave a girl. The fabric was a white on white print that we dyed
fuchsia trying lights, mediums, and darks and some mottled pieces. It was in my pink/red box. It is also challenging to just strike out with no real plan. But I just sewed around the four sides of the inner square and my smallest block was about 8" x 7" and so I cut them all that size. I luv the rectangle.
Scraps all gone but not big enough for the baby quilt I require so I took a solid pink from my stash and cut alternate blocks. I was still short 1 block so I put all 3 scraps fabrics together and I think it'll be fine.
Still another day for the TOM deadline. I wonder if I could do bookmarks???
What a lovely use of your fabrics. I really like the pinks and the fact that you dyed some of the material. Very clever my dear. Happy Holly Jolly Joy...
very pretty indeed!
Great use of your scraps!
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