Thursday, January 23, 2014

Trying new things

The weather is once again trying to blow up a situation. That is certainly not new and is starting to get real old!    I did get out to the chicken coop before the path began to blow in AGAIN.  My Rooster is spending all his spare time clearing paths! :O

I am working away on getting the hutch painted. I had left it with just some primer for the holidays. I had totally forgot the middle section of glass so I primed that and started in with a can of 'old white' chalk paint on the rest.  I hope to have the knobs and hinges back on for a photo finish on Friday! ;)

The new journal calls for a 'selfie' for the second week.  VBGROAN!  oye!   I take all the pictures for the family and I'm happy not to be in any.  I am NOT photogenic.  Ha!  I'm sure I can't be that old biddy I sometimes glimpse as I pass large areas of glass in a mall.  ;)  Okay, I did that and now to hide it in amongst all the extra's.  Actually that wasn't too hard and I printed it on a dictionary sheet. Upside down but...

Next I wanted to try using a stencil on my gelli plate and transfer the image to cloth.  VERY COOL!

Just for fun I cleaned off my stencil by flipping it onto some fabric and I like that as well.  This has oodles of possibilities!  I can't wait to try more new things!  :)

1 comment:

Createology said...

Fabulous Selfie print. I really like your teacup stencil on fabric...both versions. Have fun playing and stay safe from the snow. I do hope your Rooster gets relief soon. Blissful Creating Dear...