The rain is ahead of schedule, it is not due till tomorrow. I'm still behind schedule and I've lost count of how many days.
When I began designing garden beds I had the graph paper and the flower/shrub info and a dozen helpful books. It did not translate to the black dirt. Now that could be my measuring but I've decided I don't like jam packed. Now close is good as it means less weeding but my successes tended to be elbow to elbow and the 'no shows' tended to represent vacant lots. I'm trying to even things out and to let the majority be self sustaining. This white bed comes down to a black arbor and bench so I repositioned this tower and I'll need to find some hardy climber to cover it. But here is another job that isn't finished. But its, sob, not my fault. vbsigh The agricultural paper says our area is one of the top 3 areas in our province hardest hit with all this rain and high winds. What's a gal to do?

Well, he who does the grilling wants to do it on a deck so I tore down the lattice, laid the black hose for a lawn edge and flapped the old plywood down to see if this would work. The steps down should cover that lower window. I'll have to fill in where the lattice used to be and along the grass edge with shrubs. The good news is less grass and trimming and hopefully not too much weeding.

I had a privacy lattice behind this front to separate the front bed, which is my most formal area, from the side yard. This is the part of the yard I wanted to keep pretty natural, kind of a cabin at the lake feel.

I do not want much to ruin the view from my comfy chair in the sitting room, thru the large patio doors and into the north bush from which I've cut out the ugly dead stuff and filled in with cultivated varieties of the native shrubs. I'm also waiting for my new round sitting room rug to be delivered. This is my neutral spot in the house. A quiet place with the big windows inviting the outdoors in. A place to forget about weather forecasts, budgets, to-do lists, bad news and tiredness. A peaceful place.
I think your property looks wonderful. I can see how hard you have worked. Maybe a cup of tea to offset the rain. Less lists and more elle time is what I offer...
Your gardens are so beautiful and the view is so peaceful. A cup of tea sounds nice ....
You have black dirt and rain. We have red dirt and it's rained maybe twice all summer! Your views are beautiful to me.
Gotta go with Vicki's comment. Although my dirt is not even red, just brown clay! You are so lucky and I would love for you to come design my gardens. Of course, I would need a grounds keeper, too. Happy weekend, dear. Don't let the rain spoil your plans, but you can send any excess moisture my way.
Love that last photo!
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