Monday, June 27, 2011
Comfort Quilt
Long time
The hostas particularly like the cooler, wetter weather. I added several more this year. The secret to less weeds is more plants. LOL I think we now have all the chickens contained so I'll lay down yet another path of flax mulch for the faeries and frogs to romp down!
The next job is to get my hoe sharpened and work my way through my long borders and the shade garden.
It was also a long night. Our second dog takes the night shift. His Great Pyrenees genes make him the guard dog. He absolutely hates skunks. He is actually pretty good at eradicating them as the rooster often finds their remains about the farm where they made their last stand. Last night's battle left Manny with a farewell present. The air coming through the bedroom window told the tale. He (and the grand kiddies) like to be in the raised bed along the house wall. This morning, after a long night shift, he decided to sleep under the open basement window. YUCK!
But the rooster has agreed to doing more raised beds. The main garden has been so disappointing these last wet years so he has been using my 'herb' garden for the favorite stuff. We'll build, oops, he'll build, more raised beds around these. And really we don't need ALL that garden space anymore. I'm all for getting the grass area reduced and this will actually be handier.
Okay, summer sun. Shine!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
If time waits for no man...
I did not have my comfort quilt done but the thought of having one that I think will definitely rate as one of my top ten quilts brought a smile of anticipation.
So between sniffles and sewing I'll be away for a bit to give comfort to the one left behind who will think of this as the 'nothing' quilt as that was what I'd reply to her query about what I was doing. lol
But Monday morning ALWAYS comes and I'll have something to show for it.
In the meantime, I'm believing:
The sun is always shining.
It shines above on a stormy day.
Even in the darkest night time
It's just the earth that's turned away.
So if you keep those praises climbing,
You'll find life above the storm.
Don't curse the night
It's in God's timing.
Trust, endure
until the morn.
See ya Monday.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Let them eat grass!
When the boss ewe heads off to the pasture she follows a path that every sheep following her will step in. This is only about six inches wide. I have to pay attention to stay in it. It'll be hard as a rock. If she thinks there is something to hop over, every sheep following will make the same hop, even if the frog or whatever is long gone. When they get out to the pasture they fan out but they are grazers and eat on the move. They nibble and shuffle ahead, nibble and shuffle ahead. When the old ewe decides it is time to head back they begin to follow her back to the home pen where they will have water and then lay down to chew their cud. It takes many trips over the pasture to to reduce it to anything that looks low and uniform. They do prefer new growth and when someone finds something, makes a sigh or smacking sound and all the rest hear the rumour; they run right over to discover the newest delicacy. If they were on my lawn all the new buds would be slurped up, nibbled at and gossiped about. But I would be left with clumps of their least favorite veggies and all the dessert would be nowhere to be seen. BTW, they don't like dandelions. The kicker is that they would leave behind little pellets of concentrated fertilizer that would make the grass grow even more. :( That is why they are called sheep of the golden hoofs!
But we have eliminated a lot of grass cutting by fencing more of the land around the farm yard. We are waiting to put the wire on the fence posts just behind the backyard and past the chicken coop. The area where the granaries, sheep sorting pens, and general work area is located can be grazed by the sheep. You can see that they will be coming pretty soon. If they were left there for a very long time they would eventually get it all down pretty close to the ground but hopefully the new wire will be up and they can mosey over to give the chickens something to look at!
I am making progress on the triangle quilt and my little helper and I will be off to buy the backing. Oh, I do hope she likes fabric stores better than being a little shepherdess!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Time waits for no man.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
I've been thinking, AGAIN.

Clean slates, blank pages can be paralyzing.

Saturday, June 11, 2011
Seek and ye shall focus!
I've always wanted to do a triangles quilt and I'm quite liking how this is progressing. I've sewed a few triangles together. I'd rather not lay out the whole thing and troop back and forth for pieces so hopefully I can get a good scattering of everything. I'm a little stumped as to how to press the seams but I'll have it figured after I sew two rows together. I also have more greens to cut then I can get into 'tangent' mode and really make some progress.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Living Green
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Springing into action.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Little Jobs Big Jobs
A lot of my plantings at the corner of the house were plants for shade. I'm sure they are quite worried. I need to think about their dilemma. Mind you, it has been mostly grey and overcast so they should just chillax. I need to finish up some trimming.
So I have a Rooster job done. I have a trip to the nursery planned. I also had about an hour of sun this morning and we are back to grey. Do I hear sighs from the hostas, foxgloves and Solomon's Seals???
Friday, June 3, 2011
When Life Gets in the Way

Thursday, June 2, 2011
Finding the Rhythm

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Can't see the trees
But I think I like it best- SIDEWAYS!