My job, that is! My foray into the job market, such as it was, lasted only a few years and degenerated into making cute crafts. I don't 'do' cute crafts with any kind of enthusiasm. So I have retired. That snort you hear is from the Rooster. He says, no retirement for me! ahem... Seems I am back to being a 'kept' woman but I steadfastly refuse to clear a shelf for cook books. (see below) LOL
So I spent my last cheque on art supplies. 'Course I am going to have to quit spending money I no longer earn. Rooster? What kind of pie did you request? Ha, I don't do pies either. :( But he is good to his old biddy but doesn't quite understand why I need more when he looks around at two full rooms. :O The wee paycheque did eliminate long discussions! vbsigh
I also got two inspiring books. E books, though cheaper, are not very satisfying for thumbing through and then propping open for reference. ;^) But I also need to quit looking for empty spaces in my bookcase. There isn't any.
But the local library never seems to tire of my request for books. The one gal is retiring but I'm sure she has trained her replacement to accept my various lists. My list never end. These will be for the grand kiddies and art 101 which I will endeavour to keep from becoming too cute!
And I must never quit learning myself. So if a children's book works...
I do have lots to do so the rain could quit anytime. Weeds never quit and I have a few more flower beds to tidy up. :)