Saturday, December 20, 2014

Dizzyness on the Path

Vicki is still moving the Cross the Drunkard's Path quilt along through the seasonal busyness.

 I am testing a few of my fabrics and I'm thinking this can work.

I am also trying to decide how big to make this project.  These were going to be the small size but they are looking rather big for the layout I am considering.  So instead of sugar plums dancing in my head I'll be dreaming about curves and circles.  In the end it is a plum of an idea!  :)


Sharon said...

Love your fabrics! You might be dreaming curves and circles but the plum colors have made their way into your quilt!

Createology said...

Very interesting colors you are working with. I adore how you allow your fabrics tell you what they want to do. Busy Blessings Dear...

Paulette said...

Those are some luscious colors you are using. It will be fun to see how this evolves!