Monday, May 27, 2013


I have finally figured it out! 

Some things stay the same.  These little blue flowers come up every year in my Secret Shade garden.  But some things also change.  The lime green ground covers spread and some even revert back to regular green.  :(

This little guy, whose very common name escapes me, starts out blue, fades to pink and finishes very pale, almost white. 

But things don't stay the same.  They are ever evolving, changing.  So I shouldn't be surprised to find I'm changing and what I like to do changes.

The Rooster pointed out that I kinda sink into a slump come spring.  He is likely right.  So I need to remember to take the green juice before I waste too much time! lol

This spring quarter has seriously gone awry.  I will not, even with a good and productive week  make all my goals.

So, or should I say sew...

I shall give it my best shot and we will see how much spring I have yet left within me!  ;^)

The books will be the first to be set aside.  I took the first,  Photography & the art of seeing,  when I was away.  Next time I will travel much lighter as I had no time for my good intentions.  lol

I don't want to rush this so I will continue it and press on into the digital photography in the summer.

I want to learn good creative habits that will lead to developing my own imagery.   To do that I need to be  
S E E I N G !

Now I hope I've chased those blues away.  In fact, baby blue is my least favourite colour. 

Look out!  It may be a late spring in a lot of respects but I'm still hopeful!  Let's sing,  "Blue skies,  smiling at me.  Nothing but blue skies, do I see."   :)


Dandelion and Daisy said...

What is the old saying..."the more things change, the more they stay the same"(?) or is it "the more I stay the same"! In my case it is the latter, I do believe. Oh, you'll catch up just may not be THIS spring.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm not big on light blue, but love cobalt blue.

I've learned I try to do it all, and overextend myself, then, when I try to catch up, I make a mess of things. It's better that I put things aside, take a breather, and relax. Then I can accomplish more. But until then, I try to lighten my plate.

Jo Vandermey said...

I am thinking of a time management tip that I never use... schedule in fudge factor time.

And the old adage that it always takes twice as long as you think.

And then there is always Murphy's Law to through into the mix.

Yesterday the only thing that was on my list that got done was make dinner. When I told my husband that when he got home he laughed and said well I am glad that is what got done.

I am beginning to realize that even on a good day I am never going to get done all I want to do as the plans in this house always seem to change.

Hope your "blue" colour phase turns to what ever shade you like best. Although I have to say I do like your "blue" pictures...


Createology said...

I am sorry to hear you are not feeling chipper with Spring weather. Your secret shade garden is lovely and sweet. Ahhh the art of packing is a constant lesson...lighter, lighter, lighter and leave it home. If you need it then you can usually buy it where you are. Lovely beads I see. Thank you for the song I have playing in my head for the day. ;o) Honor yourself and your feelings my friend...Hugs to you dear!

Monika Kinner-Whalen (MySweetPrairie) said...

I got a big book at Michael's called... oh darn... what was it called? Something about seeing with your artist's brain. It's awesome - makes you look and see what's there, plain and simple. Nice to have someone's perspective.
