Monday, November 3, 2014

A Month to Remember!

The second month of fall has been revealed by a stiff cold breeze that tore off the October page.  The first month was a swirl of leaves and smoke as we stripped the first layer of forty years of Stuff from the yard site.  Feels good.

Now to tackle November's list.

I read The Happiness Project.  In fact I am passing my first copy around.  I think I'm generally a happy person but there is always room for more happiness and that takes some thinking and doing.  So I bought a second copy and I am going through the book again with an highlighter and with some specific goals in mind.  The first month is Boosting Energy- both physical and mental aspects of energy.  I'm all for that although I'm tweaking her plan which is what will make us both happy.  LOL 

Both my DD's and I have been talking lots about food.  In the manner of KISS, I'm going to try the 100 days of mini pledges from 100 Days of Real Food.  And, once again, make a conscious effort to drink more water.  First week is to add at least two servings of fruit and/or vegetables to EVERY meal.  I had carrots and parsnips and onions for breakfast and I'll sip on a shake during my work through lunch break!  ;^)

Because I have lots to do!

The new monthly journal is ready for assembling and documenting as soon as I insert the project page.

I want to get my needle felting project completed.

I have been a slacker in the Drunkard's Path project and hope to stagger back on the path asap!

The school project/job is not short of ideas.  There is an interest in knitting!  The grand kiddie also has an ambitious project to make a 'dress' for her mum.  :O  I need to dust off some old and forgotten skills!

It looks like a memorable month!!!


Threadpainter said...

How on earth can 'carrots and parsnips and onions for breakfast' appeal to anyone ???
These must be favourite foods for you !?
You must let me know how your day went after that breakfast !
I'll give you 'A' for effort but surely there is something else that would get you up and eager to eat in the morning ? Yogurt ? Bowl of fruit ? A glass of wine ?

Createology said...

I admire your steadfast approach to Happiness and Life in general. Eating healthier is something Mr. C and I are attempting (oops you smell the chocolate on my breath?). I have a very hard time getting enough protein into my meals. Carbs and Sugars are my preference. Loving your projects dear...