Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Red anyone???

Preparations for the holiday are progressing.  We'll host a Sunday Brunch and I've some little goodie bags to make up, some glasses to garnish and some napkins and silverware to bunch up.  I can't believe how fast the month of December has flown by. 

And speaking of December, the days seem to be slipping by without any of my usual blog activity.  I have to admit that I find that worrisome.  The decore8 blog is running a series on blogging thoughts.  Holly Becker's first post resonated.  Her second not so much.  I wonder what the other 18 (?) will have to say!

I seem to be stuck at a blogging red light.  Time to sprinkle some gold dust on the ol' keyboard and get the lights blinking for the new year.  A little ho, ho HO! and a whole lot of fun is what I'm thinking!   Anyone else seeing red???  ;^)


Margaret said...

Love that red! (which, coincidentally was one of my mom's favourite Revlon lipstick shades...) Those goodies look lovely, elle. Have a grand brunch!

Createology said...

I love a good red...the blue reds for me, not the orange reds. Get you Jolly on dear...Happy Brunching!