I see some stuff has disappeared like my snow drops. I've since learned not to churn up the beds so much. oops!
Which leads to my apology for stirring up angst in my attempt to do psycho ananlysis. sheesh. That isn't really like me but it has been a tough year. I was asking the Rooster why I was so in the zone lately. He is an analyzer but no help. I'd just thought I'd ask. But I am thinking Me, you, we all need to just chillax. What is- IS! Note to self- If it is working- make happy noises and hum. If it isn't put on some music to hum along with until the happy noises start.
I'm reading a book. The Paradox of Choice. I like to limit mine. But there are Maximizers and Satisificers. I decide what standards and then first time it shows up, I grab it. The Rooster is a maximizer and makes sure it is the right choice. That involves lots of study.
We have decided to downsize. That means moving and I think I found the place. Top floor is ALL studio. And the bottom needs work. ;{ Mine was after our first month of looking. The Rooster will be touring a quarter of our province. :( So I'm a tad frustrated. LOL I just want it all to happen asap and it'll likely take a year. okay, time to put on some music and make with the humming!
My job is also frustrating. I have discovered I am not a crafty person who likes all those kitschy/cute things. I have dollar geraniums and dollar store pots lined up for May but I'm not feeling the luv to paint up the pots! I may be taking a long summer vacation. ;^)
As soon as the Rooster's gout calms down we'll be back on the kitchen and then the yard work. Two returns but I hope we have the right faucet.
I didn't have the separate package of ephemera and supplies for the grand kiddies so we made key chains. They turned out really well and they were so focused. It was a good day.
Now I'll chillax with a bit of cleaning in the studio and putting supplies in appropriate baggies!
Happy weekend and thanks for sticking with me!
I really like the idea of Chllaxin. Time goes by all too quickly and we are constantly on the go...so...Chillaxin is exactly what I want to do. Today for Mother Earth Day we have had tons of rain and some hail. So very needed and welcomed. The Grands do look dedicated to beading those keychains.
I like to make decisions quickly. Based on research but to move ahead.dearhubbylikes top dear. Sometimesirunideas past hi and the just say you think on that andiwillSk again I ages days. We balance each other
Transition is going on here and it is unsettling. I think I need to develop thechillax mind. Glad to listen in on your thoughts. It helps to know that others are going through change
Keep with the humming.
Looking at my above comment it looks like I am demented or illiterate. I think it is replying to things on my I pad mini.
Excuse the above. If you can't decode it let me know.
Jo of the technology is driving me crazy group.
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