Thursday, May 6, 2010

The general consensus is...

Leave it alone! That was the general advice from my previous post. I thought so myself as I tend toward 'less is more', but I thought I may just be rushing to finish. The facing was easy to do and I quite liked how it went on. Now 3 buttons on the hairy deal, and the beads will be recycled on another background as I think I'll cut my losses and begin again. I also got a big quilt finished. It was stalled because I didn't like the MQing but I just said "getterdone" and it is surprising what a wash and a hot dryer can do to improve things. This is a Karla Alexander stack the deck quilt and I chose a spring palette of fabrics.

Phew, I felt like I've got some serious WIPS done. Snoopy dancing is a happening!


Createology said...

Wow Elle you have really completed some amazing fiber art. Your quilts are wonderful. Three buttons and a key is so simple yet so textural and beautiful. I have not seen something like this. You should feel super proud of what you are accomplishing and finishing. Happy creating...

Yvonne said...

How beautiful! I hve never made this pattern. You did a wonderful job.

Twisted Quilts said...

How impressive, two beautiful quilts. I love love the colors! Both are stunning. The colors in the first one just shimmer.

Terri Stegmiller said...

Love love love that "stack the deck" quilt. Just beautiful!