This was part 2 as we used the colour wheel to identify various colour groups. The class itself was the bonus as I had already begun to identify some glaring gaps in my repertoire!

According to my file folders I collect particularly strong complimentary colour groupings.

It seems I play it way too safe.
I think I want to change that.
Interesting how your color choices vary. Sounds like a good class. Hope you're having fun with Nina!
Ooo, it's neat to see what you're learning, and how what you're doing may not quite be what you think of yourself as doing. Or what you start off planning to do. Thanks for sharing this class with us!
Me - I'm afraid of cool colors. I NEVER use 'em! Maybe because quilts should be warm?? lol
Wow! That sounds like a great class. We do seem to have our "go to" colors that we feel comfortable with....our signature colors, maybe.
Love your color class and all the gatherings you have in front of you. Funny how we do things we don't realize. My favorite color is blue but I definitely have a love of pink also. Hmmm...
And yet, even though you play it safe, your color choices are always superb. I always enjoy the colors you use. I've never seen a color choice I didn't like in any of your work.
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