Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Seems to be an underwear month

By underwear, I mean basic stuff that isquite a bore to buy but so necessary to completing projects successfully.  This month it'll be needles and neutral coloured threads.

Now I need to add plain spacer beads for my beading projects.  I seem to have a little bit of flashy stuff but not enough to do anything with and I'm seriously deficient in the basics that make the feature shine.

Lesson two is about a centre focus necklace.  I have one option or I could get creative  and make a focal point but this is lesson two! lol

 This was the closest I came to having the prerequisite pendant. It isn't going to work irregardless of the camera's  colouring.

Jenn has a centre focus that came with her kit.  So she is good to go!

Pretty good and I must say that crimping is becoming old hat!

1 comment:

Createology said...

Why is thread so expensive all of a sudden?!! I almost choked when I had to buy some recently. I also noted fabric has gone up in price. Beading is so fun and you are doing fabulous. Crimping is key so to have it in control is excellent. As for beads...think of taking apart old necklaces for bead stash. It will save you lots of money and can be really fun. Check out those charity shops and let friends know you would love to have their costume jewelry they no longer wear. You'll be amazed at the possibilities. Blissful beading...