I had seen lots of sites with the theme of what is on your worktable so when The Needle and Thread Network asked for support I decided to, well, support! :)
It is for Canadian Fibre Artists or Creative Stitchers and Sewists. Last year I seemed to emphasize Creative rather than Fibre and I'd like to change that this year. Sewing/quilting is my foundation and fibre my first luv. Sew...

Leanne is a TN&TN member and she is hosting the 2013 Finish-a-long. Part of my goal for 2013 is to get more sewing time and to finish up the UFO's that remained after my initial, "ew, I'll never finish that!!!" purge. :^) I've not quite figured out where all of mine are tucked away nor exactly how the finish-a-long works but I took time this morning to grab a few possibles. The thing is to start, to commit, to put it out there. Accountability! VBSigh
How embarrassing! But it gets worse.
These are not quite UFO's but WHIMM's, that is works hidden in my mind. Oops, the very bottom shelf are wips. At this point I need to remember I have more invested in fibre than I do in mixed media art supplies. LOL
Very poor lighting but we are into short days and the sun isn't anywhere near up and the room is yellow and the only light fixture is a covered bulb! But this is where I'll start. It can't get much worse although I know of at least three things that are missing from the display. :( Details and progress reports to follow. Happy New Year!
ahh we all suffer somewhat from "monkey mind" make a actual written out list and post it...here is what i learned from nursing school about goal setting..
R-readable write it out
U-understandable...make sure we can understand what you want to achieve
M-measureable...we need to be able to measure whether you are getting to your goal
B-behaviorable...needs to change a behavior some way
A-acheiveable...we need to be able to realistically achieve that goal
then good luck with those UFO's
and remember not all projects must be finished by you...the may be just learning projects...give them away or dump them...do not carry that weight for the year..
happy new year
I've been contemplating joining this FAL, too. You may have just given me the push I need. Great advice from Sherry. Once I'm home from work tonight I'll have to see where and what I've tucked away and start to document. 2013 will be the year of busting UFOs!
Well Elle you are certainly organized with all the bins on shelves. Accountability is the key. Now for certain you will be finishing up lots of projects...all to support your friends at TN&TN. You are sew kind. :o) Happy Sewing Dear!
My goodness, you have a lot of bins there. I hope the FAL helps you move along with some of them, thanks for joining in.
It definitely looks like this is a good goal for 2013! I look forward to seeing some finishes!
Elle you can do it!!! I think it's wonderful that you are so organized otherwise I think it would be overwhelming. I agree with Sherry in that there may be a few projects that you can give to someone else who would like to finish them...ermmmm....not me though...I have a pile of UFO's of my own...LOL I will follow your progress as always.
At least your WHIMMs have identifiable fabric! Mine are somewhere between my brain and my sketchbook...for now! LOL!
Have fun with the FAL -- count me as someone who'll be watching. At least for the next while, we'll all know where to find you! (grin)
Awesome, elle! I am fortunate in being a finisher. I am usually passionate about what I start so I just slug along till it is done . I DO have some regular bed quilt UFO's though, as they are not my passion. I wish you luck with yours. It all looks very organized to me though. Soldier on - and have a VERY HAPPY, PRODUCTIVE NEW YEAR!
You sure are made strong to be capable of looking at all your ufo's at once...... I'm wishing all of us a ufo-busting 2013!
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