Monday, March 17, 2014

Living in the green zone

I am a procrastinator.  It has been my default setting for far too long.  Fiddling with my 'puter has taught me that you can change default settings.  I am changing mine.  I am no longer going to sit at the yellow/orange light waiting for the next thing to begin to happen.  My default is going to be green. Red lights happen and that I will deal with but I think I'm going to be cruising through all those caution,  wait for ______ before proceeding lights.  Happy St. Patrick's Day. 


What Comes Next? said...

go with the green! happy st paddy's day to you, too

Gina said...

Happy St. Paddy's Day to you too! I always wore green this day as a kid, remembering how my Dad explained to me that our last name was a Scottish name spelled the Irish way. It was fun to think of our green roots.

Createology said...

And the rest of the day to you dear...
Love this post! Green proceeding!!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Yes, it was a green light day. Happy St. Paddy's Day, even if it is a bit late.

Dandelion and Daisy said...

Happy St. Paddy's Day to you and I'm linkin' your retro green! Very IN!

Jo Ferguson said...

I'm a day late...but Happy St. Patrick's day. I hope you continue on green for the rest of the year.