Wednesday, March 5, 2014

WOW I got a question!

I am still doing some catch up from our time away but even though a new set of winter flurries is descending I am thinking green.  I do 'sew' want to make a green Irish Chain quilt but I want it with a modern twist. This will be the March wall hanging.  I don't really have time to start another project but that hasn't stopped me before.  :O   I do think I have something already done for April.  I hope I do and I think of hope as green.  If spring ever arrives it'll start kinda grey green and that is what I have in mind.  Instead of the regular square chain I am wondering if triangles would be acceptable.  Or, is there a really cool modern version out there that I don't know about???

I'm also mixing medias and trying my hand at repurposing a coffee can and an old recipe box.   Fun but a bit messy so I am trying very hard to keep today's project separate from it.

I am ready to quilt the kitchen wall hanging.  I hate marking but it looks like I am going to have to do some better marking than just using my 'estimations'!   The ripples aren't really there.  I'm using my new Fantastico thread.  Just the right variegation's.  I should have it ready for show and tell for the next TNTN.

I have also been spending a bit of time trying to figure out what would be a good iPhone/smart phone to replace our land line.  I understand it can also replace the wireless stick that I now use to connect to the Internet.  I do have a few questions that need answers.  :O  hmm, I wonder if I can get a green phone???  ;~)


Lorna McMahon said...

Oh, your kitchen wall hanging is turning out Fantastico! I love Superior Threads, too! We got high speed internet through explornet. Not using the phone towers, but on their own satellite dishes. I don't know much about that stuff. But I do know I would hate to ever have to go back to dial up service. Hope you can get your answers!

Dolores said...

Can't help you much with the modern Irish chain but I do like your triangle drawing. Go with it - after all, it's only fabric.

Leanne said...

I love Irish Chains, I think triangles would be great. I have recently seen one done reversed, with neutrals where you expect the colours and vice versa. It was quite nice too.

Createology said...

Love your kitchen wall hanging. Irish chain is foreign to me but I like your triangles. Fabulous color on the deli paper and box projects. I say you are on a green GO Girl track. Not more snow...NO NO NO! Spring Sunshine for you dear...

M-R Charbonneau said...

Ooh, a modern triangle Irish Chain would look so cool! Like an abstract shamrock. Love it!

Jo Ferguson said...

Love you kitchen wall hanging. I really like the triangles for an Irish Chain quilt. You can start by doing just one block to see if it will turn out to your liking.

Patchmaker said...

I say go for the triangles - a nice modern look!