Saturday, October 11, 2014

The storm before the calm

We are getting some nice weather; terribly windy but fairly warm.  But winter is a coming!  :O

Friday I took a deep breath and pulled out all the drawers, baskets, baggies, etc. that had scrapbooking fodder.  Then I exhaled and ran off to town to do errands.  That only lasted so long and then I had to come home and take a deeper breath.  I changed up some of the drawer contents so they made better sense to me and I got it done.  It took me till bed time and then I went to bed kinda wound up from all that positive energy.  lol

I had tackled my stamps and stencils early in the week and the mixed media corner is pretty much done now except for all the paper just under the counter.  I have one small basket to do and a few more things to find homes for.  I am teaching art at the grand kiddies house every week so lots of stuff is making its way to their art room.  :)

I had thought I could show a finished studio but the Rooster was on a mission today to do more clean up in the yard.  He was a bit frustrated we didn't get started right away but the reality is that we just can't do those twelve hour work days anymore anyway.  In the end he was happy with all we got done. There is still more to do as we've lived here forty years but the barn loft is now done.  I'd post a picture but barn lofts aren't so cute even when 2/3 of the clutter is gone and everything is swept.  That barn is like 30' x 60'!  Besides it is dark up there.  :O

Even though we are kinda pumped by all the progress we are also pleasantly tired and I doubt I'll think about anything beyond the third fence jumping sheep. ;~)  I doubt I'll even hear the rain!    It has been a good week!  Studio reveal is awaiting some finishing touches and a sunny day!   Night night!  zzz.....


Mary Ann Tate said...

We have a lot of yard cleanup to do but probably nothing like you have.

Happy Thanksgiving by the way:)

Dandelion and Daisy said...

Can hardly wait to see the finished studio! I'm sure we will all be inspired.

Createology said...

Excellent way to tackle and accomplish your studio and the barn. I bet it feels like a "load is lifted" and things are much lighter and fresher. Sound sleep is definitely a reward for hard work done. Blessings Dear...