Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Wonderful white

White pages, clean slates, and fresh starts certainly tells us spring is here.  Snow not so much!

We had some not quite so wonderful white snow, heavy frosts  and cool weather this past holiday weekend but perhaps the weather has got all the surprises out of its system and we can really start. 

 Eliana got me some purple petunias but I have been collecting white plants  as well.

After rereading a few of my gardening books I have revived my interest in my white garden.  Hopefully I can deter the dogs who have developed a liking for it as well.   I have even ventured to start some of my own seed which is definitely not my forte but then nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I did get a better book for Josh's travel journal, a green Smash book to which I'll add some extra themed fold out pages and pockets.  Maybe I should document my garden this year in the 'also ran'.  

Its a mix today; kinda like the weather.  Some necessary work, some play and lots of options.

1 comment:

Createology said...

Always good to have options and be flexible. New plants will be so rewarding. Eliana looks like she is having fun in a (pallet playhouse?)! Documenting your garden would be fun to review come next Spring. Creative Options Bliss...