Thursday, July 16, 2015

all work and no play makes...

This part time day job is starting to work into my play time.  Between it and the weeds...

First 'work' day involved an appointment for the #2 grand kiddie and a day in the city.

Kinda inspiring to see what a garden geared to the wee ones includes! 

Then the next day my gal and I were back to the city looking for ideas for her first apartment.  This Ikea fabric can be coloured!  How cool is that!

I did get some spray starch but I also got another shrub for my garden bed on the way home.  I absolutely needed it for a balanced bed.  Full disclosure- I picked up two that weren't quite so needed.  LOL  The weather has been very hot and thunder storms have been threatening.  This morning is rainy and overcast.  Would have been  a good day to starch and sew but...

We are back into the city today.  :O

Not to worry.  The sun is always shining, even on a cloudy day!


http://thankfullga447 said...

You are having a very busy day, just had 9 - 11 people stay at my house. I took 24 hours off and now it is time to hit my bucket list. I love Ikea.

Createology said...

Looks like a wonderful place for adults as well as kids with lots of inspirations. Those topiary plantings would take a very lot of time to maintain. Coloring curtains sounds like fun with all the adult coloring books trending. How far is it to "the city" for you? High on Life July...