Hump Day!

I leave the starting gate Monday morning and begin the week's ambitious ascent. I climb Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, I am poised at the point, the pivot, the peak to check out the scenery. Then begins the slippery slope as I rush down Friday, Saturday, to Sunday.

This is a look at reality which to my mind can only be viewed in black and white.
I luv the planning, especially if I can hit a great office supply store to purchase new colour coded supplies. Then I like to do an in depth cleaning so I can start fresh, a new beginning so to speak.

The reality is that I procrastinate. I don't always finish what I start, and definitely not immediately.
AHEM! Used to!
I'm growing up finally. I'm a big girl who can take responsibility for her own actions. An old gal, who can see the calendar pages are running low.

So much to do. So much stuff to do it with. No room for elaborate and colour coordinated command centres. The decluttering is making those fresh starts quicker and easier to gallop out of that starting gate with gusto.
Time to refocus. That happens, Thursdays, Hump Day.
Time to gather all those ducks and get them back into their row.
And headed to that finish line!
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