These sparkly things were cut from a pair of jeans that were not redeemable for wear. The hanky has the tiniest petit point hand stitched in a corner. The necklaces just seemed to round out the mix.

I'm just a temporary helper but it is amazing what passes through this little out of the way shop.
Then I hurried home and tried to make my benches vintage. I waxed them and I think they look kinda cool. There is also a bench/toybox that had 3 hearts cut in front from a passing phase of country. So I nailed a thin panel on the front and painted. I distressed a little and added the paste wax. It isn't too great, BUT... I'll add another colour later and vintage it with the current colour showing through. I tell you that this is such a freeing thing. If it doesn't work, just cover it up, rough it up and try again!
It dawned on me that the quilt rack is seen from underneath while the shelf is low and viewed from the top. So I sanded a few blobby paint runs off, attached it with the prominent part facing up and sprayed away. I'm getting smarter.
Then because the wind was up again, I put the little cupboard in the barn for its second coat. I hoped the overspray wouldn't antique my other 2 projects and sprayed away. I tried to be patient as light coats are way better than, "I'm gonna coat that sucker!". So when my grin was too fixed from the fumes, I stopped and went out to breathe the windy wind! lol. I only got one drip and it looks great. I'd drawn a sketch of a wonky cupboard for my DSIL to make for me. I'd have liked actual curves from bottom to top but we settled for slope. It fits between the 2 bedroom doorways in the upstairs hall.
All the furniture is in the barn and I'm waiting for the veranda floor to cure. It is looking good. I'm hoping the lone rooster will not want to roost on any of my stuff and that the new kittens will be away with their mama and not playing tag over and around any of my smooth and scratch free stuff. :O
Today is trade day. I'll be over painting at my friends.
Temptation is exactly why I do not volunteer at the thrift store. Instead I am a weekly shopper and that gets me in enough trouble. Your bench is still my favorite...color, look and function! You are really checking off the projects and that has to feel super...
How nice to have a friend you can trade days with! I love that style of house too. We lived in a similar one about 20 years ago. It was originally built by eh mill that was here and is now torn down(both the mill and the house). Even though I lean towards a more modern interior style, I miss that house.
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