Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Intentional Blogging 7 SEO

What's a SEO?  I didn't know, nor did I know how it works.

 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a complicated system of optimizing content for search engines.

Basically, what it means is that it's a way for you to create content that is found easily by someone searching for a term or phrase on Google or Bing or whatever search engine you use.

70-80% of the relevance of a page's SEO comes from your title.

Sometimes I, myself, want to search my blog for something that I know is in there somewhere.  Not Found.  That is really irritating!

Now I understand.  The title needs to relate to the main theme of the blog post.  I have  been way too creative with my titles.  Not a bad thing, but kinda useless when the need for a search arises.

If you want to be in the top 3 hits for Google or Bing searches like Wikipedia, there are several tricks.  Beginning the title with "who" "what" "why" or "how" (sometimes "where") captures people's attention.

 But I just want to find my post on striped bindings!

A good title includes:
  • Simple description of the article
  • Creative hook to grab the reader's attention
  • Use of your main keyword or phrase 
I shall be concentrating on coherent rather than cute.

For more insight into intentional blogging you can visit Jeff Goins, the author, over at his blog. I guess you could also try the Big SEO!  ;^)


Mary Ann Tate said...

On my doll blog I am using the Blogger search gadget. You'll see it on my sidebar. I think it only works though when you use labels. I may be wrong:) I find it helps me find stuff quicker.

Mary Ann Tate said...

Hmmm...it looks for key words everywhere in your blog so I was wrong:)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was searching for a post I knew I had created a few days ago and I searched using every word I could think of that might lead me to the post. I accidentally stumbled on it a bit later, but not due to any search. I agree that good labels, good titles, and good content make the search so much easier. Thanks for the reminder.

HollyM said...

Oh, the kiddies are so cute! I don't know how you got anything done! Your workspace looks great!
I'll have to keep what I use for titles in mind.

Createology said...

You are really a wealth of information my dear. I personally like three word titles for my blogging...just a short simple title that rolls along. Happy searching...

Peachtree Ink said...

feel truly happy to have seen the site and look forward to tons of more awesome moments reading here. Thank you again for everything.