Monday, May 25, 2015

Instant in season or when the sun shines...

Gosh, we've gone from shivering to straight up hot!  It kinda makes for interesting to-do lists!

Then throw in an unexpected visit from DS#3 and plans really change!  I have got him helping me with some dirt hauling and shrub moving.

I focused on my white garden in front of the veranda.  The Rooster and I loaded up at the two local nurseries and then Steven and I went back for a couple more later.  ;^)  Now to get them all in.  Talk about sweat equity!  I'll have to remember to post a mid June reveal. 

I took out a couple of ugly brown cedars and shoulda maybe took out that last one but it has one more chance.  I set mouse traps all around and hope that deters the dogs!!!  

 Not on the list but such a lovely container.  I have a couple of moon flowers in it to climb the railing.  We'll see!

The whole south side of the house is to be be refreshed and this corner has always intrigued me.  A wee water feature???  I brought home a small bit of water plant to kinda test the waters.  LOL The Rooster may not even miss the feed trough!  And besides the frog band has taken over That Faerie Place so maybe the faeries could live here where it'll be quieter and  there are no all night poker games!  :)

A photo from the back side shows where The Rooster planted this line of lilacs a looong time ago and then had no time for the yard as farm chores ate up his time.  It needs some attention as I reeked havoc when  I was learning how to prune things. :O  Today DS#3 is gonna see about removing some of the dead fall in the north bush.  It is transitioning from an old poplar bush to a young oak woodlot.   Not sure I want the change but you know what they say about progress!

 Switching to colour today but the majority of the budget went on the whites.  I did move all the coloured leaf shrubs up to the front curve and burgundy will rule there.  The ashes haven't leafed yet but the ornamental crab is ready to show off! The new colours on some of the shrubs are striking but they can add a polk a dot look to the landscape so I have brought them all to one corner and they can be the flowers for this section.  I will let you know if it works!  ;^)

Whatever the season in nature or life I guess the secret is to just go with the flow!


Createology said...

Having a young man to help is really a blessing. Your gardens will be stunning. Lots of work but oh so rewarding...

Beth said...

I am so anxious to see the full growth pictures later this summer. It is so exciting planting then standing on the sidelines cheering, "Grow! Grow!"

Mary Ann Tate said...

Isn't the weather crazy? One morning the furnace is on because the temp has dropped overnight...we even had frost!!!...and the next I'm opening the windows to let in the lovely warm breeze. I'm looking forward to seeing the results of all that planting:)