Haste makes waste. Actually it makes messes. I have had time to ponder while I shove all the books under the bed where the dust bunnies once lived. :O
I thought about the aqua for the back wall of the inside of the bookcase. Maybe instead of taping I should just do the whole inside of the bookcase. hmm Lets not be hasty. Then I checked my idea folder and the ones I like are the backing only with the sides and shelves painted the same colour as the outside of the bookcase. Do I really want green or should I do the quick fix and only the back? hmmm
I may have been influenced by my gals and Creativity 101! I'm off to find a nice shade of green paint. ;) If I'm gonna do it; I want to do it right!
Nice to have your design file to refer to. Creativity 101 is looking wonderful with all the colorful butterflies. Prep...prep...prep and the job will be perfect. Happy painting dear...
Yup, just the back will look great!
I think that green will freshen up whatever part of the project it covers!
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