Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Getting Closer

I have a great desire to have my home represent me.  That includes art work.  I dragged this piece home from my DD#1's do over.  I like it.  But it doesn't really represent me.  I've never been to the Coliseum.  I drink coffee, not cappuccino. I haven't really kept a log of all I've done but I found some 'so far so good' ones.  At least I thought they were at the time.  lol

I tried to keep the parts I like and added the grand kiddies left over October scrap book papers.  It fit the fall theme but the more I looked at it the more it shouted busy at me.

In keeping with my new KISS decorating sensibility,  I gessoed it and added some twinkling H2O's.  Better.  But now I think it is a tad flat.

I tried outlining some things and making marks around others.  Not sure it is done but I need to get back to using the house paint brush.   I'm getting closer to the ideal and closer to seeing the end of that bigger brush.


Beth said...

very interesting progression or should I say regression and not in a bad way either. Listening to your reasoning behind the "re-do" I would call it coming into the focus of reality and the soft colors REALLY do represent you. Very nice.

Margaret said...

I confess I agreed with you about the "busy" piece...full of energy indeed but a bit much. I like your re-vision (grin) I feel very calm looking at it while I sip my coffee...I don't think it's flat; rather, it's relaxing, a good cuppa joe!

Createology said...

That is quite the transformation and I really like how you bravely adapted it to your style. KISS is a wonderful thing...