Saturday, October 22, 2016

The tie that binds

When I over plan projects I not only lose spontaneity but I lose the joy of the process.  On the other hand, the slap dash, hodge podge and mish mash of 'just get 'er done' leaves me cold.   I am determined to find a way that doesn't tie me up in knots.

Last week's penciled entries had a common thread.    My dearie!   My few prepositioned ephemera are more a hindrance than a help so I won't do that anymore.  But I found some photos that complimented the theme.  Note to self - pay attention to orientation for these narrow spaces.

I pulled some materials that complimented the theme.   Everything is somewhat tied together.   I do like the constraints that kinda hem my choices in.   I think less will be more as I consider design options.  I can always go rooting in the stash for the perfect bow!

 This is tied awfully tight but I feel like this way of working gives purpose to my pages.  It is heading me in the direction I want to go as I explore my design style and the direction I want my blogging to take.   I just need to have one focal point and some quieter support. 

I do have previous pages to practice on.  I am also sorting my embellishments and supplies for greater usefulness.   I need to speed up the process.  This can be a learning tool but not something I want to devote too much time doing.

Now I just need to KISS everything a bit or limit all the stuff that happens in my week!  lol


Createology said...

Too many options overwhelm me so I really like your KISS method. Let me know if you find a way to limit interruptions to your days. Every day just speeds past. Good job on the journaling...

Jo Vandermey said...

Along with the Kiss method it seems I have to roll with the What will be will be method. Staying a bit organized helps too!