Thursday, March 18, 2010

I've decided it is going to be Friday today!

We have had all this and more this week.
Family day has turned into family week.
My son in law went to emergency Sunday afternoon and was told to take two and call back Monday morning. They kept him till this morning. So my daughter and the 2 grand kids have been staying. Lots of fun and lots of fiddling. But not a whole lot of finishing anything, especially in my playroom. 8~O So when I'm feeling a tad stretched I plug my vacuum in and groove to the beat of my own little world. I have absolute power over anything within range of the nozzle. I am blissfully unaware of anybody but those who position themselves low down and directly in my path. The phone rings away unheeded. Too bad telemarketers! I solve decorating conundrums and eliminate the superfluous. I bring order back to rooms, linen closets and toy boxes. Finding all the kitchen gadgets takes a few more days! LOL
But the exhaust from their car has dispelled. The home front is quiet except for the yelp when I stepped on the Lego! Super will be leftovers, a load is in the laundry, the child gate is disengaged from the playroom door and my vacuum is standing at the ready! I shall dance thru the rooms with my partner only occasionally stubbing his toe on the doorjambs and I shall be back tomorrow with a free Friday for a second go round!
What's that you said? Sorry I can't hear ya!


Createology said...

How fun are you to just vacuum away troubles. My grandma used to move all the furniture around when she got frustrated. She also changed all the curtains and drapes with each season. Enjoy your Friday! Elle you have earned it!! Happy creating...

Nellie's Needles said...

Argh! Cleaning! My creative time has been interrupted with areas that needed it as well as a few repairs, too. My husband gets the fun of vacuuming. I don't want to clean. I just want to "play" in my studio.

It looks as though you've had fun playing. Your pleated fabric manipulations is most interesting. The only way that I can think of to keep the texture that you like would be to layer it to a foundation with stitches anchoring it in the valleys.

Unknown said...

Your son's been in the hospital?? How is he feeling?

(and btw oh yeah, DOH, how could I have not been following your blog before today? I dunno.)