Saturday, January 30, 2016

Summing didn't add up!

The unplanner is working as expected.  Sheesh I'm a rebellious kind of gal.  I won't even do what I want/plan.  But the good news is that in order to justify not doing it I tackle some other complicated diversion.

Like stash organizing.

I had to do the grand kiddies ephemera and paper which pretty much included my stuff as well.  They were driving me crazy wanting to put 'everything' on their pages.  For them and for me , limiting creative options works best for releasing our inner artist.

While rearranging my fabric I let go of some old stuff and got excited when I found some great stuff hidden away under layers of stuff.  I did some preplanning for various rooms. While I liked this it didn't fit in the overall scheme of things so I got focused on what will make me happy in the end.  Low contrast flow makes me happy.

The bathroom should be ready for painting next season and I saw a great idea for a shower curtain.  I have yards of toile which I probably won't all use.  A toile shower curtain would be perfect!   I probably don't have enough black but this has made me look at some of my backing fabric in a new way. Heck, after a few showers I could still use it for backing and it won't be taking up shelf realestate!  lol

Then with the help of an old photo album I gathered all my old projects in order of oldest to newest.  I printed out a visual reminder.  I had an Ah Ha! moment when I realized I'd be adding new ones as the new deco plan swings into operation.  So this is really a never ending story.  There will always be a UFO list;  it never gets done.  I just need to come up with an acceptable limit.  I have 29 projects so I wonder if 30 might be my 'magic' number.  The grand kiddies mother has sent some orphan blocks but that is definitely Eliana's to-do list.  NOT mine.  :( 

Joshua's pirate pages will be for next week as he is staying over and will be my right hand man while the Rooster is at work.   I'd hoped to focus on fabric for February but I might need one more week to catch up on my own mixed media. 


Createology said...

When do you rest dear? I love toile. Josh will be a great help and I hope he shares his pirate pages.

Jo Vandermey said...

I wonder ...why do we plan only to rebel against our plan. I am forever doing this.... People who are organized , follow their plan and have short to do lists drive me crazy because that's what I want to be but never make it there!

I do think that you get more done than me.
