Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wow Life is a bowl of ...

                                                     ...holly berries!   Teeny ones, too.

These are yo,yo's.  They are supposed to resemble berries so they don't get flattened.  The first ones were sew fiddly and then I realized I'd forgotten the 1/8th inch seam allowance on the template.  I don't think it made much difference!  I'd start over as I think I'm doing something wrong but they are little, cute and they do look like berries!  ;-)

ABSOLUTELY FREEZING COLD here in central Canada.  I wonder what it is like in the rest of Canada?


Leanne said...

That is a pretty wreath!

Margaret said...

Thinking of Christmas are you?! It looks lovely and yes, it's cold with blowing snow here in Quebec.

What Comes Next? said...

any early start on Christmas - good for you! After a weekend of snow, it is now 0 and foggy

Unknown said...

Aw look, she is actually working on my quilt :)

Everybody keep cheering her on so I actually get it some day!

After three days of -30 it has "warmed up" to -25 here in northern Alberta.

Emma said...

Wow they are tiny. I'd be tempted to switch to buttons just to avoid teeny tiny yo-yos.

I was tempted to whine about our -20 but then I saw Laura's comment on -30. :)

Margaret said...

Dipping below -30 C here in Central Alberta again this weekend...meanwhile I am enjoying the sunshine and mid-teens afternoons and the fact that my kitchen taps and drains are (still) working!

Tiny yo-yo's? You are a braver woma than I, elle!

Createology said...

With your frozen weather you are working Holly and Berries? I adore your uber cute teeny tiny yo-yo's aka berries. Creative Stitching Bliss Dear...

Lorette said...

That is so pretty! I love any Christmas themed quilt! It's cold in eastern Canada too.

Regina said...

More than freezing cold, nights -23 C, days with icy winds .... my dog despairs, but I get some sewing done, although nothing as nice as your wreath.

JennyPennyPoppy said...

The yoyo's look great as holly berries. Bitterly cold here today at -37. It's the 1st of March though so Spring is coming!!

Jo Ferguson said...

I love the berries, just the way they are. I wouldn't change a thing. Compared to the rest of you, here in Nova Scotia, we can look forward to a warm and balmy -7, tonight.