This is a bit convoluted but I promise the progression from birth to junior senior citizen will only be a few sentences.
My birthday is June 6th and my Dad was a war veteran who called me his D Day daughter. (ah, a warm fuzzy moment) Anyway, I was the main chauffeur and my very punctual father would greet me at the door saying, "What kept you, daughter?". vbsigh He should have lived to see the day his dear daughter started getting her act together. lol It has taken a goodly amount of time. Hmm, D can also stand for d... it!
My goal this year is Triple F- focus, fiddle and finish. Vickie Welsh wrote about the D word (Creative Discipline) on Three Creative Studios blog. Just 'focusing' on my faults doesn't change them. I have looked at the computer screen and seen a reflection of what the problem is and it is ME! So whereas I had been emphasizing the Finish in Triple F, I now see that it needs to be on Focus and that breaks down to 3 more subtitles. The D words! Determine what needs to happen, Decide on how it'll happen and then Discipline- do it. A terrible thing at my age to find I lack self control . No despair; I have actually progressed to this point in my life where I can now move forward in a positive way.
So focus for this week was basic quilting and I fiddled at numerous things but no finished project as of yet. I was headed there. In trying to combine it with a ufo I was confronted with a new deadline, the bargello quilt. Hmm, but it should go with the deco plan for the upstairs hall where it will hang. The hall needs to bring together 4 rooms and link up with the downstairs hall. It is difficult for me to focus when I have a LOT of choices. So I narrowed down the parameters. I have made some decisions on the various paint colours I'll be needing. I used fabric which I'll take to the paint store. The decor for the winter season is kinda traditional with analogous colours, red violet thru to the golds. The organic shape every season is leaves but evergreen needles and pine cones for winter. The geometric shape will be squares and rectangles . The bargello works! phew
This morning I can cut bargello strips because I have an overall plan. The striped fabric called my name. It has the main colours but the olive green and touch of aqua keep things from being too predictable. Heaven help me that I be called predictable. 8^) I also have a challenge quilt for Three Creative Studios to consider and strips may be a part of that. I am thinking I can keep from starting new projects all the time if I develop an 'inventory' of pre-sewn units in various colour combos. It should jump start creativity as well.
So I still have the focus (basic sewing). The fiddling happens today. I've determined which project and decided the appropriate colours. The discipline will come as I crank my timer for an hour. And D... it, I better have some finished strips before I go to bed tonight; heck before lunch!
fabulous selection of fabrics and colors!
It is very interesting to read how you are thinking about what you are going to do. I sometimes lack focus myself but I was very focused for years so I give myself some slack. I think what I lack now is discipline. The deciding is fairly easy for me. But settling down and finding the time takes more effort. Here's to more focus and more fiddling.
Those fabrics are fantastic! I think focus and discipline is a constant challenge.....well, for me!
Focus and discipline... two things I love having in abundance on productive days! How does hubby feel about all these changes you're going through? Mine's a little edgy LOL...
Interesting idea to keep an inventory of pre-sewn strips...
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