Yay for Cheryl, over at Naptime Quilter. She has relaunched WORKSHOP IN PROGRESS with Workshop Wednesdays.
Traditionally quilting has been a many membered activity. Blogging has enabled the modern quilter to move with new technology (and I'm not referring to the rotary cutter but to the computer) into an entirely new dimension. All the inspiring eye candy that comes with a quick click and so delights the eye can soon make the mouth to droop as the DO, bogs down in the DOING and the DONE sinks below the mire. So I'm very delighted to set aside my Wednesdays as designated progress reports. The last WIP bogged down when I had to buy a new camera. That has been got. The pieces are still on the design wall and the last suggestion was more 3-D leaves. Surely I've had enough time to wrap my mind around that concept. Stay tuned for the progress report!
I love the way the internet has connected quilters.
Hey, the rotary cutter IS new technology for some of us! LOL
Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting. We shall "focus" 2010 together through this computer connected blogland of creative artisans. Whew! Keep creating...
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